Thursday, March 20, 2014

Pops of Color

Happy first day of Spring!

 As we transition out of dull winter colors and into lighter layers and Spring-y hues, 
I thought I'd share one of my favorite ways (also one of the easiest) to transition your wardrobe into Spring:  
Adding pops of color to simple outfits, in the form of accessories.

Here are a few ways to brighten up your wardrobe with accessories:

 1. Vibrant statement Jewelry

Statement Jewelry

2. Light, patterned Scarves


3. Colorful Shoes

Colorful shoes

4. Bright Bags

Bright bags

Adding one or even a few of these to a basic outfit is a perfect way to ease yourself into Spring! 

It may only be the first day of the season, but my brain (and wardrobe) have already been in transition mode for awhile. I always try to jump into Spring as soon as possible, because it never seems to last long here. Pretty soon it will be 100 degrees out and the idea of a scarf, even a light one, will be hysterical.

Though it always feels short, this is probably my favorite time of year, because Spring means (tolerable) warm weather, more daylight, Crawfish season, Easter, and the blooming of Texas wildflowers!

A few things to keep your eyes out for:
-New outfit post coming soon!
-PT. 2 of Sites to know

Hope y'all are having a great week!


  1. Love all your picks! And it's so true - this is the perfect way to transition!


  2. Thank you for reading, Kelly!
