Thursday, March 13, 2014

Splurge vs. Save: Handbags

I'm kind of a bag collector.
Just ask Kevin, I have WAY too many, but that's the way I like it.

& while I love a good designer bag, sometimes an imitation is just a better choice.

In other words- If you're ballin' on a budget (yeah I just said that) and still want options, then sometimes you have to opt out of that $400 designer bag and find a look-alike with a better price tag.

Here are some ridiculous steals on bags that are just as stylish as the designer brands but have a MUCH more reasonable price.

Splurge vs. Save: Handbags 

(From top to bottom)
Set 1: Splurge // Save 
Set 2: Splurge // Save 
Set 3: Splurge // Save 
Set 4: Splurge // Save 
Set 5: Splurge // Save

If you were wondering-- You could buy every bag on the right side and spend only $240, which (in case you're bad at math) is less than most of the designer options listed. Just let that sink in.

If I let myself splurge on a bag, it's usually one that I've researched (read reviews on) and know I'll use daily for quite a while, but if you like mixing it up often or just don't care much about brands- the beauties on the right are perfect options for you!
PS-Three of the five bags on the right side are from ASOS.
So it's safe to say the next time I want a bag-I'll be looking there first.

 PPS- I think I see a 'Splurge vs. Save: Shoe' edition in the near future.


A lonnngg overdue outfit post will be heading your way this weekend so be on the look out! [Now that I finally have a little bit of downtime during the next few weekends, I can finally catch up on outfit posts] PS- Don't think I forgot about PT. 2 of Sites to know, that will be coming up soon too!

Life Updates:
Verdict on Midland trip: So much fun!
Lately: I've been thinking about a major cut on my mermaid locks.
And speaking of hair- I got to see Jake Owen at the Rodeo this past Wednesday. What a ham that guy is.
Other news: -My best friend, Emily, is ENGAGED!! :) :) :) Congrats again to you and John!
 -I also want to congratulate my good friend, Hannah, who is getting married this weekend! I'm SO sorry that I can't make it but I'm extremely happy for you & James!Have a few drinks for me, Chanda
Coming up: Hudson's turns 4, a few more bridal showers and SPRING

Happy Friday


  1. I love the splurge and save post!! It's crazy how much more you can get at the 'save' section compared to getting one purse at the 'splurge' section!

    1. Right?! It kind of made me feel silly for spending so much money on one bag. Checking Asos next time for sure! Thanks so much for reading, Rach!
